Hackathon History

Just a list of all the hackathons I’ve attended

  1. Codeday New York Spring
  2. HackBCA (Pictoid)
  3. HackNYU (Blackout)
  4. Codeday New York Summer (Pool.java)
  5. YoHackEAST (YoShareThis)
  6. Battlehacks Boston (Lineless)
  7. Breaking Barriers Hackathon (mentor)
  8. MHacks (played around with Android)
  9. Hack the North (A.F.A.R.)
  10. Cornell BigRedApps (ATMFinder app)
  11. hackNY (seekbar)
  12. Intel Internet of Things hackathon (played around with the Intel Edison)
  13. YHack (GPSBoard, winner of Google API Prize)
  14. HackRPI (Infinity Keyboard)
  15. Codeday (mentor)
  16. LocalHackDay (mentor)
  17. MHacks V (Creation)
  18. HackCooper (HackBot)
  19. McHacks (Parrot, won 3rd place)
  20. IronHacks (mentor)
  21. hackNY (Cerebrawl)
  22. HackBCA (mentor)
  23. defhacks (mentor)
  24. Angelhack Brooklyn (Kangaroo, winner of H.U.G.E. Innovation Award)
  25. Spotify Monthly Music Hackathon
  26. Angelhack Manhattan
  27. Battlehack NYC (Owl)
  28. Hack the Planet (fox)
  29. PennApps XII
  30. MHacks 6
  31. HackMIT
  32. HackGT
  33. YHack
  34. Wildhacks
  35. PennApps (Hacker Guru)
  36. hackNY
  37. BitCamp
  38. Big Red Hacks 2016
  39. MHacks 8
  40. HackRU Fall 2016 (Firefly)
  41. YHack 2016
  42. Wildhacks 2016